Framework vs Facebook: Where to build your challenge?

Framework vs Facebook: Where to build your challenge?
Photo by Thought Catalog / Unsplash

Why Framework is the better platform for Challenges

In this post, we discuss why a platform dedicated to Challenges is so badly needed. Existing social media platforms such as Facebook are just not the right solution when you want to build an outstanding Challenge experience.

Challenges in the past

So far, entrepreneurs and creators like you have built Challenges stitching together different tools. The most common approach is using a Facebook group to host content and allow community interactions plus an email marketing tool to send daily notifications and reminders.

Here's an example of a 5 Day Challenge from company that teaches people how to make a lead generating video and repurpose it for a full-cycle marketing campaign. They run this Challenge on Facebook only.

As you can imagine or perhaps already experienced, running Challenges on Facebook & Email creates problems on multiple fronts.

  • Not all of your customers (new, existing) are or want to be on Facebook
  • You have to manually publish Challenge content (daily, weekly, ...)
  • Email notifications have to be sent from a separate email marketing tool
  • No flexibility in terms of how to structure the Challenge such as self-paced, cohort-based, or with a set start-date
  • Facebook doesn't give you the option to charge for a Challenge
  • There's no possibility to add an upsell to promote other products & services
  • You don't have access to user details such as email address on Facebook
  • Challenge features such as journals or daily exercises are difficult to implement
  • The community that forms around a Challenge is often lost after your Challenge has ended as the Facebook group is archived or repurposed
  • No automation: Content has to be removed before the next Challenge and the manual building process starts all over again

Phew! – that's a lot of problems.

This is the reason why we started Framework: entrepreneurs and creators, people like you, who run an online business need to be able to build and run Challenges effortlessly, so that you can monetize your knowledge and deliver results to your customers.

Challenges with Framework

Framework is the first platform is built for Challenges. It offers a complete set of features that allows building a challenge experience from start to finish including a landing page, content drip, community, notifications, an upsell, and many more features.

Here's a brief comparison between Facebook and Framework. Obviously, Facebook has its own right to exist, however, it is not the best choice when it comes to the Challenge, as Facebook is simply not built for this purpose.

Again, we don't think that people shouldn't use Facebook at all for their business – it is just that Challenges are so much more powerful when run on Framework. Try it yourself!

Still not sold on Challenges?

Let's quickly recap why Challenges are so powerful for your online business.

  1. Challenges are an incredible tool for teaching & learning. A Challenge dramatically improves engagement with your content and helps your students to retain the knowledge. Unlike traditional online courses, a Challenge releases small pieces of content at a set pace and schedule, making it more digestible and creating a sense of daily urgency to complete the learning journey.
  2. Challenges get customers into your marketing funnel by leading up to an action at the end of the Challenge: for example, an upsell to your flagship teaching program, online course, or paid membership community.

What's next

In the next post of this series, we will discuss how to engage customers with a Challenge. If you’re interested in learning more about Framework, please sign up for a free trial or book a demo with one of our product specialists who can walk you through the product and answer any of your questions.